Edward red wine glass

Price: 300.- DKK per item

Item number: 538698

Description: Height 17 cm.

Edward was made at Holmegaard between the year 1900 and the 1940s.

The glass is available in three versions; a smooth version from Kastrup Glassworks, which is just called "No. 79"; this olivin cut Edward, and an Edward-version that is found with a facet-cut stem.

Edward is very similar to the well-known Derby glass. The difference between the two glasses is the shape and the height of the cuppa. Edward is 0.5 cm. higher and has a more cylindrical bowl.
Item number: 11032
This item can be purchased at:
Harsted Antik
Store Kongensgade 94, kl
1264 København K
40 35 54 85